Monday, February 4, 2013

Archangel Michael's Message of Love


Archangel Michael has been with me most of the morning today and I channeled this message from him for all of us:

"Good Morning Children,

We are here as love and light beings to not only show compassion to ourselves but also to those in our lives and others who surround us. Please have no fear in showing yourself compassion for you deserve it, everyone does, no matter what you are going through at this time always remember you are important, deserving and worthy of love. The Angels and other spiritual helpers are not here to tell you what to do or where to go, they are here as support; to help guide and love you on your path as you open your entire spirit up to the gifts which have always been within you. 

There is coming a time when we will need every earth angel, every light worker, every psychic to be in our service – to show love and peace rather than hate and war. Love is always the answer and we should always remember that we are angels ourselves. We are here to help make this world a better place, to help support others through love, compassion, sincerity, friendship – to support each other through our various trials and show true growth and evolve to a higher level in this life than we have in previous. 

Children of Light and Love you are beautiful souls. Know your worth; see your value as we do. You are divine beings just as the Angels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses and other spiritual helpers are. Without your work the world would be in a much worse condition. Look at the wonderful things you have accomplished in your life and know that you’re light shines outwards on all around you – even strangers that you pass on the street. Now take that love and light that you shine outwards and also shine it inwards to yourself. Give yourself a hug, a pat o the back for all you do. The Angels and the Divine appreciate everything you do greatly and for this we bring you many blessings. Even if you ‘think; you have not done much you have. Think about all of the people who have come to you over the years that you have helped; maybe financially, maybe through just listening, in giving advice, in counseling, in taking them out for a night on the town to alleviate their fears and worries. You are wonderful and have made a difference in many lives!

This month is a time to focus more on yourselves as well as your significant others. You, as a person, as an individual, as a whole, should be the most important person in your life. Only through this way of thinking and believing will you be ready to wholly express and share your life with the one who is waiting for you. Be patient for this process takes time and effort. Show yourself romance as a partner would and you will then, in turn, attract more romance into your life from a significant other, soulmate or twin-flame. Love yourself as they would love you, treat yourself as they would treasure you and trust in your abilities, honesty and truth as they would. Let everyday be a day of love in your life and not just one day a year.

Blessed Be."
Archangel Michael

I am currently in the process of taking a beautiful Certified Intuitive Counselor Course which the Angels have guided me to in order to make my readings and other products even more divine for all of my wonderful clients! I will be offering Intuitive Readings in the next few weeks.

I have completed Levels I & II in Reiki and will be working on my Level III Mastery later this month! In honor of this I have added the following listings to my shop:

I have been given a lot of divine inspiration lately to add various new readings to my shop! I hope you will all enjoy them!

Coupon: ROMANCEANGELS2013 for 20% off anything!



I would like to close this today with a prayer:

"I call upon all of the beings of light and love to surround myself, my loved ones, and all those who surround and help me in the holy white light of protection as well as in a layer of pink loving light. Please assist us in healing the hurts and wounds which have been inflicted on us and bring us the wisdom and joy to move on and help those who are waiting for us. Thank you. Amen."