Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekly Reading April 28th - May 4th 2013

The Archangels tell us that Archangel Raziel is working with us in the beginning of the week and he really wants us to focus on ourselves and helping just you. A lot of self care and love is needed to refocus our minds and abilities after the intense energies from the moon this last week. Many of us went through a lot of detoxing and now it is time to focus on the consequences of that, deal with it and show those things love and light and move on.

As we move into the middle of the week Archangel Raguel is working with us and we will be working more with the spiritual plane and we will be receiving lots of messages they wish to share with us. Either for healing of the detox or for directions in our lives. I am seeing that a lot of us feel 'lost' or 'wandering' currently and this week is going to bring in new ideas and inspirations to show us our path. 

As we head into the weekend Archangel Chamuel will be working with us. We will be be feeling a lot of love from our partners and/or loved ones. The Archangels are highly encouraging us to spend time with these people as it is very healing for us to relax, de-stress and allow ourselves to be embraced in this love and light from the earth angels around us. Share your feelings and insights with your partner, have a romantic evening and reconnect with them.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ascended Master Apollo's Message of Strength

Ascended Master Apollo's Message of Strength

"Focus Upon Your Strengths - This is a reminder for you to focus upon your strengths and not upon any perceived weaknesses. Your strengths include your loving heart, pure intentions, people skills, hobbies, or something that you excel in. Even if your talents sill need polishing, these are strengths and assets. The more you bless and appreciate your strengths, the stronger they'll grow. If you focus upon so called weaknesses, they will grow. This card comes to you as a reminder of the importance of viewing yourself with compassion and love. Anytime you find yourself thinking or feeling poorly about yourself, focus upon your strengths instead.

Apollo is the Greek Sun God who's the son of Zeus and twin brother of the Goddess Artemis. Apollo is a powerful deity who can bring out the sunshine in your life, literally and figuratively. Renowned for his physical strength, Apollo can also act as a personal trainer to motivate your exercise program. He can also help you to gain emotional and intellectual strength."
 -- From Doreen Virtue's Book 'Ascended Masters'

 *I do not own this picture - it belongs to Doreen Virtue and affiliates. I am only borrowing it.

"Strength is within you no matter what you feel or think. You are stronger than what even you know. The most difficult challenges bring you the most growth so please view these times as a blessing and not a curse. You are being rewarded at these times for making so much progress in your soul's evolution know that we Ascended Masters are always with you and working behind the scenes to assist you . Our assistance is very strong but it can be strengthened if you call on us by name and tell and specifically ask for our assistance with details. The Divine works very closely with and through us, for you because you were strong enough and brave enough to reincarnate and take on all of these challenges and lessons. Know that we all on the spirit place greatly honor and respect you for this sacrifice.

I ask that you realize that true strength lies within you, in your heart to shower others with forgiveness, within your mind to remain focused and positive, within your emotions to always show others kindness and joy, within your soul acquiescing to the knowledge that you have the tools at your disposal to get through the tribulations. Remember, you are never alone and when you feel this is in error please come outdoors and there I will be. Look up at the Sun and find me showering my love and strength down upon you. I will infuse you with energy, motivation and strength to keep pursuing your lessons and desires. Always remember, I am there; there I am." --Angelz Messages

Win a Free Angel Card Reading

I am running a twitter contest to gain more followers! 

I am following almost 600 people and only have about 150 followers so please help me to up this number!

To be entered in the contest do the following:

1.  Go to and do a search for #angelzmessages

2. Follow me on Twitter 

3. Retweet the contest post and tag it with #angelzmessages 

4. One lucky winner will win a free angel card reading! 

Promotion ends April 19th! 

Good Luck!

Archangel Chamuel's Message about Spiritual Soul Mates

Archangel Chamuel - "Beloved One"
 "I'm helping you with your spiritual soul mate relationship."

"Archangel Chamuel's name means, "He who sees God." His ability to see clearly helps us find things, situations, and people. He's renowned for helping people find the career best suited to their purpose and passions. Call upon Chaumel as your career counselor or Romantic Angel often. His aura is pale green, like a springtime leaf in the morning sunlight and you can feel close to his loving energy by wearing or carrying a green fluorite crystal. When you wish to feel more centered, calm, and peaceful, call upon him for he is the archangel of personal and global peace. He's very kind, loving, and sweet, and he'll evoke a pleasant feeling of excitement when he works with you. Know that Chamuel sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally." 
-- From Doreen Virtue's Book 'Archangels'

Archangel Chamuel's Message

"Blessed be children! Your spiritual soul mates are on their way to you but please know that each of these relationships are under divine timing. Other events, lessons and healing must take place within you first. We angels wish to ensure and prevent damaging problems and conflicts between you and your partner by preparing and working with you both before you meet or begin your relationship. Please keep your heart and soul focused on that wonderful time when this person walks into your life. Realize that everything in the past will fade away and only this person and the special moments you share will be present. They are worth the wait and they are waiting for you as well. Continue to follow your heart as you are led to your spiritual soul mate. " 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Goddess Guinevere's Message about Soul Mates & Twin Flames

Goddess Guinevere's Message to the World

this lens' photo
"The romantic stirrings in your heart have propelled the universe to deliver great love to you."

"Romance is not an outmoded concept, in fact, far from it! Romance is the time-honored precept of merging with the Divine as it's manifest within another human being. Romance is also playfulness, which heralds springtime, flowers, and new life. You do not need to be in a partnership to evoke romance. You can manifest it for yourself through laughter, surrounding yourself with beauty, and indulging in luxurious treats. Romance is the life-force of the universe and is a worthwhile goal to strive for."

---Quoted from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Book

About Goddess Guinevere

Who is she?

"Goddess Guinevere is a Celtic triple goddess who has ancient roots preceding the Arthurian era, when she was better known as Gwenhwyfar. In her original form, her name meant "The White One" or "The White Phantom". She is a very powerful goddess who is invoked for both fertility and as a bridge to take the dead to the other side after they have left the human world.

During the times of Avalon, Glastonbury, and King Arthur, she became better known as Guinevere. In order for Arthur to claim his kingdom he had merge with or marry, Gwenhwyfar, the goddess who ruled over the land. Gwenhwyfar became the astonishingly beautiful Guinevere, the queen bride of the new King Arthur. Legend holds that her heart really belonged to Arthur's cousin, Lancelot, however. Today, she helps us ensure that we enter into partnership with our true love, and she assists in keeping that love alive."

---Quoted from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Book

Goddess Guinevere's Messages

True Love with your Soul Mate and/or Twin Flame Channeling

Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Behold, true love is coming to each and every one of you.

If you have found your romantic soul mate already, rejoice! This is a joyous occasion and feat you have accomplished and earned. Never take them for granted. Realize how precious and wonderful this relationship truly is. More and more light workers and earth angels are and will be finding their soul mates in the next few years. Many twin flames will also be joining.

I bring you these tidings to bring you joy and hope. Many of you are waning but I am here to tell you there is someone out there waiting for you; wishing and dreaming for you just as much as you are for them. When the time is perfect you will find this person and know they were worth the wait and you will also realize why your other relationships and partnerships did not work out.

Many of you have been asking, 'How will I know when I have met my soul mate or twin flame?' Just know that you will instantly have recognition of this person's spirit. Their heart and soul will be a part of yours. All of our soul family members hold a small piece of our hearts and souls but a soul mate holds a large piece and our twin flame holds an even larger piece.

Goddess Guinevere has given me a vision of a very large white glowing crystal which looks like a very big crystal ball but it glows with a very bright white light. This Orb ball is associated with our soul mates and twin flames. Each of us carry this inside of us until we meet this person. Inside this glowing orb crystal is a very vibrant pink heart divided into two like a puzzle so the pieces will fit together. There is a kind of clock that allows the pieces to get closer and closer to each other which represents divine timing and there are angels and guides walking around this heart protecting it and guarding it. Archangel Michael stands closest to it with his sword. Archangel Raphael stands in the middle of it surrounding it in his emerald green light. It is grey and cloudy in the ball while the 2 separate individuals are apart but once the pieces come together a very bright white and yellow light shines in and around the orb and the angels are no longer guarding and working, but they are dancing and celebrating!

Guinevere continues, "When a soul mate or twin flame pair complete their union and seal their relationship spiritually the world gains another angel, more guides and the lowest of devils is cast away and exiled for eternity.

The world is a beautiful place, love, laugh and be merry through the happy times and the trials and know all that happens, is being done for a reason. Work through the pain and heal yourself as you await your soul mate or continue to heal yourself and your soul mate if you have been lucky enough to have found them. Most of you are unaware that you are very powerful spiritually with your soul mate and soul family. You can heal them of ailments and help them work through difficult emotions and situations simply by setting the intention to do so and sending them love. Try it and learn to be a loving earth angel as well as a light worker. We need all of you.

Blessings my children, for I am always near; simply, a call away.

Introduction to the Angel Guidance Board

Introduction to the Angel Guidance Board

An Angel Guidance board, unlike a Ouija board, allows only spirits of light and love to communicate with you so basically only the Angels and Archangels that are assisting you or the person you are doing a reading for. If you have members of your soul family surrounding you as well such as a deceased relative or friend they are also able to communicate with you as long as they are also of the love and light.

The Angel Guidance board is a lot more flexible in getting down to earth answers about your life than Oracle cards however, the Angel board can be used with or without oracle cards in conjunction with the board to gain further information on the topic you are inquiring about. Most of my customers use the 'yes & no' category as well as the 'when will it happen' category the most. However, don't expect to get an answer that is correct to every single question you ask the Angels either. There are some aspects of our lives which will change depending on the path we take and the decisions we choose. We all have free will and the Angels will not interfere with this unless its a matter of life and death and it is not our time. We are all here to serve a mission we setup for ourselves before we reincarnated. The Angels are merely here to assist and guide us to the completion of this mission.

How does it work?
(1) The Angel Guidance Board comes with 4 angel markers in separate colors of purple, blue, yellow and green.
(2) There are also two crystal dice: crystals are well known for retaining an individual's energy or the individual who is being read for. Crystals have high vibrations, therefore it is much easier to connect with the Angels and allow them to send us their information about how we can best follow our soul path.
(3) Have an angel marker on one or more categories which relate to your question; each category has an Archangel assigned to it which correlates with the specific areas in your life which the Archangels assist you with.
(4) State your situation or question, mentally or physically, to the Archangel(s) with the dice in your hand and roll them.
(5) The number that comes up is the number of times you move your angel marker(s) on the category or categories for your answer starting with the square which has the Archangel(s) name.

Why should I pay for a reading?
The board is easy enough for anyone to use however when using divine objects of communication it is always best to be educated about the devices before using them. Also, any Angel Healer will be familiar with using protection prayers and will have psychic skills. Using these skills you will be able to get much more information from the Angels regarding your situation. This board is a wonderful tool to ask the Angels how to develop your own psychic skills as well...perhaps you will be an Angel healer someday!

The Angel board has twelve total categories: all categories have one or more Archangels assigned to them as well as eleven possible answers. The categories and answers for each section are as follows:

Romance: Romance Angels
Soul mate
Very soon
Healing Heart

Money: Archangel Ariel
Ask for More
Successful Deal
Cut Your Expenses
Increased Income
Debt Paid

Career: Archangel Chamuel
Career Change

Life Purpose: Archangel Michael
The Arts
Spirituality & Love

Children: Archangels Gabriel & Metatron
Positive Change
Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children
Sensitivity Issue

Family & Friends: Archangel Raguel
Let Go

Health: Archangel Raphael
Surrender & Release
Stress Management

Spiritual Path: Archangel Uriel
Support Group
Open Heart
Learn & Study
Journal & Write

Psychic Development: Archangels Raziel & Haniel
Intuition & Clairsentience
Ideas & Insights
Breathe, Relax & Let Go
Past Life

Yes or No: Archangel Azrael
Of Course
Strong Possibility

When Will It Happen: Archangel Jeremiel
Within 1 Year
Free Will
Within 5 Years Time
This Week
Next Year
Very Soon

Home: Archangel Jophiel
Positive Expectations
Surrender & Release
Feng Shui

Teamdream On Etsy

Welcome to Teamdream on Etsy!

 What is Etsy?" you may ask...
Etsy is a website devoted to small business owners. It is free to open up a shop and there are creative geniuses of all sizes and shapes here with very affordable prices. Shops sell everything from jewelry, candles, hair accessories, art, wood crafts, sewing crafts, psychic services and so much more! Etsy takes out a small fee for listing an item for three months and then a small fee for each transaction but it is very affordable and much easier and more fun to use than eBay and the other sites around.

What is Teamdream?
 Within Etsy there are teams that you can join to help promote your shop and get sales. One of the bigger teams on Etsy is Teamdream! We offer BNR and BNS events around the clock and support all of our members in promoting their shops through teamwork, cooperation, friends, networking and fun! BNR and BNS boards are treasuries of sixteen featured shops to help promote and get sales. Our team does a ton of fun things to promote our shops and there is always a flurry of activity and fun involved in doing it!

Angelz Messages

Team Captain

Angelz Messages
The team captain is the one in charge of the team and helps to organize events, keep order among members, create rules and regulations to protect it's members and make sure everything runs smoothly.

The Team Captain of Teamdream is Angelz Messages!

Angelz Messages has been on Etsy for two years and offers psychic services as an Angel Healer which include but are not limited to:

*Angel Oracle Readings
*Aura Readings
*Past Life Readings
*Aromatherapy Products
*Celestial Paper Products
*Energy Healing
*Intuitive Readings.

In the next year she hopes to expand her services to include the following types of readings:

*Advanced Aura
*Akashic Records
*Past Life
*Power Animals

*2+ years of psychic work and 100% positive feedback.
*Currently attuned in energy healing for Reiki levels I & II and studying for the mastery, level III.
*Currently taking an Intuitive Counselor Course which expands her training on all psychic services to provide even better service to her clients.
*Currently studying with the University of Metaphysics for her Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences.

*Also accepts custom orders so if you don't see exactly what you are looking for please message her and she would be happy to customize an order for you!

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Visionary Art Studio

Teamdream Leader & Curator

Pandalana - VisionaryArtStudios
Pandalana is one of Teamdream's top members with the responsibilities of being a Team Leader as well as being one of our Curators. This simply means that she helps the team captain make sure everything is running smoothly, communicates any issues that crop up with the team captain and also creates BNR/BNS Treasury Boards and helps organize events.

Her shop, Visionary Art Studios has lovely displays of a very talented artist!

Here is what she has to say about herself:

"I am primarily a self taught artist who revels in the freedom to express myself in my own unique style. Although I have had some formal instruction, I mostly learned by trial and error, using what suits my mindset of the world around me as my inspiration.

I am a full time artist.

I do custom portraits in pencil, custom portraits in pastels, custom portraits in oil. I do portraits of people and portraits of pets.

My painting is style is every changing and evolving with me. I love minimalist art, impressionism art, romanticism art, visionary art and fantasy art. I love painting wildlife, nature and landscapes.

If there is something you are looking for and can't find it, please contact me and I will help you create it. If you see a painting or drawing you like but would like it in a larger or smaller size I will be happy to do one for you. I can also do layaway for you and do accept commissions."

Visionary Art Studios retains all rights to her art: transfer of the rights of her art does not go with the purchase of any of her art pieces.

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Sleep In Comfort

Diana Brooks - Sleep In Comfort - Teamdream Leader & Curator

Sleep In Comfort
Diana is another one of Teamdream's top Leaders and Curators. She helps our keep our facebook page running smoothly and also coordinates with the team captain on any issues that may need her attention. Diana also helps run our BNS once a week an sends out emails every few days upon curator requests. She offers a selection of amazing bed liners which allow you to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter at very affordable prices. She also designs hair curlers!

Here is what she has to say about herself and her products:

"I am happy to make custom size liners. Convo me with your needs and I will get right back with you!

I have started working with to offer an expanded selection of Fabrics for hair rollers. If you are interested in a set of hair rollers and do not see a listing you like, or fabric that I have you are interested in, please look at for more choices. Keep in mind, small prints work best.

Sleep in Comfort
Pro-Active Temperature Regulation Smart Fabric

Sounds like science fiction. In fact, NASA developed this technology for astronauts to safely confront extreme temperature changes in outer space. This heat and moisture management technology is no longer reserved for space travel but is now available to the average consumer. It can be found in mass-market products from winter outerwear to mattresses and now Sleep in Comfort liners.

Sleep in Comfort liners are made with fabric that absorbs excess heat from your skin when you are warm. It stores and then releases heat when you are cool. These liners will keep your body temperature within your comfort zone, on one hand avoiding night sweats and on the other eliminating chills. Better than moisture-wicking fabrics, Sleep in Comfort's smart fabric manages heat and prevents overheating and sweating before it happens.

From now on, couples with varying body temperatures can sleep side by side more comfortably. Menopausal women will no longer suffer night sweats. Recommended for both children and adults for comfortable sleep without sweating.

Care: Your liners have been pre-washed in "All Free & Clear" detergent and machine dried at Low setting for 20 minutes. Whenever possible, allow liners to drip dry, to extend their useful life. When machine drying, use Low temperature. Over drying and high temperatures will greatly reduce the liner's ability to manage body temperatures and could possibly cause them to melt.

Note: Some "flaking" may be observed and is normal, not a defect. It is recommended that liners be washed less frequently than your normal bed sheets.

Hair Rollers are made with a layer of Smart Fabric lining each roller."

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

In Jamies Hands

Teamdream Curator & Leader

In Jamies Hands
Jamie is another one of our fabulous Teamdream Team Leaders and Curators. In her personal life she is a wonderful school teacher and her love of teaching and being around children is carried over into her personal and business life. When you speak with her you can tell how much she cares about others and truly wants to help and make the world a more beautiful place. Jamie currently run our Weekly Tiered BNR which is open twenty-four hours a day - seven days a week. Jamie also runs the game discussion threads in our teams and is marvelous at it. She comes up with new ideas for games and contributes a lot of time to our team. In Jamie's Hands carries exclusive jewelry with beautiful clear pendants which have different colored flowers or butterflies in them. She also creates beautiful natural gemstone jewelry with many different styles.

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Treasure2Remember - Treasure Kelly

Teamdream Team Leader & Curator

Treasure2Remember - Treasure Kelly
Treasure Kelly has been with Teamdream for a few years now and everyone loves vising her BNR and BNS events because she is always full of happy thoughts, enthusiasm and a sense of wild and crazy energy. She makes everything a ton by being impulsive and outspoken. She is very friendly and loves meeting new people.

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Theresa - TAK Jewelry Designs

Teamdream Leader & Curator

TAK Jewelry Designs
Theresa has been on our team for a few years now and she is really great. Her shop is always so refreshing and beautiful with gorgeous jewelry, stunning paper crafts, creative wire-wrap and so much more. She is very customer oriented and will work with you on any issues that may arise. Theresa is one of our new Teamdream Curators but she does a wonderful job and her events are a lot of fun.

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Iris - Yesterday's Memories

Teamdream Member

Iris - Yesterday's Memories
Iris is one of our faithful Teamdream Leaders. She does a wonderful job of stopping in to our events and keeping them in other's feeds by faving, hearting and promoting them on social networks and everywhere.

Iris describers here shop this way: "Treasures for wedding, home, office and unique gifts - for discriminating buyers who want vintage charm, style, value."

Iris offers vintage treasure finds in her shop to "bring back the memories of days gone by." She also designs customized paper products for business use such as address labels, note cards, etc...

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Tamara Kraft - Pithitude

Teamdream Member

Tamara - Pithitude
Tamara has been on her team for a few years now and it is always a delight to visit her shop and see her on one of the BNS or BNR boards! If ever you need cheering up, this is the shop to visit! She offers magnets, buttons and other artsy crafts with big attitude on small items. There is something for everyone in her shop!

Tamara says her shop is: "For funny people with short attention spans!"

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Darla - Tedarla

Teamdream Member

Tedarla - Darla
Darla has a wonderful shop full of gorgeous hair bows, baby items, jewelry and destash items. Everything is so adorable you just want to buy up all of it. Darla is a loyal member of Teamdream and visits our events often and helps to promote them. She has been on Etsy for about two years now and enjoys meeting new people and designing things for them.

*Please stop in to see her shop in the Teamdream Links section of this page.

Teamdream Links

Create Your Dream Shop on Etsy
Have you ever thought about starting an online small business? Etsy makes it easy to do so!
Join Our Teamdream Team
We are always recruiting friendly and creative shops for our team and would love to have you if you have an interest in meeting new friends while having fun promoting your shop and receiving sales!
Teamdream on Facebook
We have a team Facebook page that we allow new members to promote their shop on and also receive links and news on team events. We highly encourage all team members to join!
Angelz Messages - Teamdream Captain
Teamdream's Team Captain - Angelz Messages Shop offering Psychic Services as an Angel Healer.
Visionary Art Studio - Teamdream Team Leader & Curator
One of Teamdream's Team Leaders and Curators - Offering a wide variety of Art products.
Sleep In Comfort - Teamdream Team Leader & Curator
One of Teamdream's Team Leaders and Curators - Offering innovative temperature controlled bed liners and fashionable curlers.
Jamie Taber - In Jamies Hands - Teamdream Team Leader & Curator
One of Teamdream's Team Leaders and Curators - Offering beautiful pendant jewelry featuring colored flowers, butterflies and other items as well as gemstone jewelry and innovative designs with the latest fashions.
Treasure Kelly - Teamdream Team Leader & Curator
Another of Teamdream's Team Leaders and Curators - Kelly offers beautiful beads and destash items in her shop. Popping in and out of her show is always a lot of fun because she is always adding new things!
Theresa - Tak Jewelry Designs - Teamdream Team Leader & Curator
Theresa is one of Teamdream's newer team leaders and curators but she does a fantastic job. She is always happy to answer questions and if she does not know the answer she is more than happy to go to someone who does to find out.
Iris - Yesterday's Memories - Teamdream Leader & Curator
Iris is a Teamdream Leader and is wonderful about going to all of our events repeatedly and promoting them by faving, hearting and promoting on social networks.
Darla - Tedarla - Teamdream Member
Darla is a loyal member of Teamdream and she offers absolutely gorgeous hair bows and jewelry in her shop.
Tamara Kraft - Pithitude - Teamdream Member
Tamara has a delightful shop full of magnets, buttons and other crafts that are sure to make you crack a smile.

Creative Steps In Forgiving

Creative Steps to Forgiving Others

A wonderful guide with out of the box ideas on how to forgive, let go and get past those things we all need to stop carrying around with us in order to feel peaceful.

Have you ever tried so very hard to forgive that indiscretion? How about trying to get rid of all those nasty burdens and bad memories you carry around with you? There are some things that are just too tough to let go of without finding a creative way to do it that works for you. Sometimes, letting go of the past is not as easy and you think but fear not, there is a solution!

The forgiveness conflict is a process of identifying the grievance and then finding a way of forgiving those who have offended, hurt, angered or upset you in throughout your life, whether it be large or small. It is highly recommended you include yourself on the list of people you want to forgive because most of the time everyone forgets to forgive themselves and this is a very important step in the process!

Creative Steps to Forgiving

Repairing your Relationships

These methods are all ideas that I have either read about in my spiritual research, divinely inspired thoughts received to me from my spirit guides or ways I have come up with that have worked for me in the forgiveness process.

Method #1: Create a God Box: Find a special box (buy or create one) where you can lock your worries away and not get them back. Anything you are worrying about or stressing about, write it on a piece of paper and then release it to God and the Angels by locking it in your God Box never to be seen again, trusting that it is being taken care of.

Method #2: Create a Letter Box: Write a letter to a person or several people whom you need to forgive and pour out your feelings to them in this letter. Be very specific and get everything out. Then mail it to the person by placing it in your special box and asking that person's Angels to see that they get it so they are able to move on from the situation as well.

Method #3: Write a letter to a specific person's guardian angels or spirit guides and tell them exactly what you are upset about, why you feel this way and that you would like to release these feeling and the situation into their hands so that they may help their charge forgive and move on as well.

Intense Forgiveness: To accomplish this exercise, choose a quiet but comfortable place where you will be undisturbed and free from distractions. This may take up to an hour or two to complete from beginning to end so allow yourself plenty of time.

Step #1: First of all make a list of all of the names of people who have hurt, upset, offended, angered, irritated or betrayed you and put their grievances next to their name if you feel this is necessary. Include people who are of the spirit world now as well, this is very important. Go as far back as your childhood if you need to but make sure you get everyone's name on the list! You can also list these things for pets and add your own name to the list or make a separate list for forgiving yourself.

Step #2: Go through, one by one, and forgive each person on your list. As you are doing this close your eyes and imagine the person standing before you as you do this. You may use your own words however, as a personal choice, I like to use Doreen Virtue's words, "I forgive [name of person] and I release you. I hold no unforgiveness back. My forgiveness for you is total. I am free and you are free." Allow yourself to feel this burden lift from you and float into the air as you release the grievance as well as the person. Visualize yourself letting this go and truly being happy about it. Do this for each and every person on your list.

Step #3: Notice any feelings, sensations, thoughts, etc... that you may have and write those down as well for a complete learning experience. After forgiving the last person sit and close your eyes, ask yourself how you feel and write about it.

Step #4: Finally, express your gratitude that you are able to let these things and people go and feel your spirit soar free now that it is not so burdened down!

Communicating with your Angels

What do your Angels have
to communicate to you?

Angels are wonderful beings of light who surround us each and every day, even those who are unaware of it. Through communicating with our Angels we can achieve peacefulness, harmony, health, love, romance and much more through discovering who we are, who we were and which choices support our life purpose.

How to communicate with your Angels

Will Angels communicate with lil 'ole me?

The Angels wish to assist us in all of the different areas of our life including helping us to go down the right path for our life purpose, guide us in our love life and to our soul mate, how to gain abundance and the financial means we require, what should we do about career issues, living situations and anything else you may need assistance with.

I often hear, "why would angels communicate with me, am I so special that angels would go out of their way to help me?" The angels see us as loving beings of light, they are extensions of God and therefore extensions of us and they love us unconditionally and are here to assist us in any way we ask; however, we must ask because they cannot interfere in our free will. It is ultimately our choice which path we take but they will help guide us and make our life transitions smoother if we ask them.

One way to communicate with the angels is through Angels Cards which, are a very positive way of seeking spiritual guidance about all areas of your life. Angel readings are all very uplifting and energizing messages and part of my mission as a light-worker is to help the Angels spread their love and light throughout the world. Other ways to communicate with the angelic realm are through meditation, developing your psychic skills (yes, everyone has these, even you!) or just talking to God or the Angels about what you want as you would a friend. Many of us have had angelic experiences where the Angels have intervened to save us from some kind of disaster or life threatening situation.

Everyone receives Angelic messages everyday and don't even realize it! These come in the form of thoughts in our heads, images in our mind, senses through our feelings, intuition, dreams, numbers and much more!

Thoughts in our head - these come as divine inspired ideas which we should take action on. Have you ever had a thought just appear out of nowhere about something? This is the Angels communicating with you! This ability is called Clair-audience.

Images in our Minds - Have you ever had random pictures or visions appear in your mind while you are awake? This is another example of Angelic communication! This ability is called Clairvoyance.

Senses through our Feelings - Have you ever felt like you were picking up on others emotions around you or through a special bond with a family member or friend? This ability is called Clairsentience, more commonly known as Empathy as well.

Intuition - Have you ever known something and have no idea how you knew that? This is another form the Angels use to communicate with us! This ability is called Clair-cognizance.

Dreams - This is one of the more common methods the Angels use to communicate with us but most people put it down to being nothing more than a dream, a subconscious desire.

Numbers - Do you often see the same combinations of numbers everywhere such as 111, 222, 333, 444 555, 666, 777, 888, 999? These and more are all messages the Angels are sending us!

You will be amazed at how many times the Angels send you messages each and every day if you will open yourself up and invite them into your life. Are you willing to take the first step to improve your life with miraculous results?

Treasure Hand Crafts BNS on Etsy


An overview of TreasureHandCrafts BNS and what sets them apart from everyone else! Also included is a general description of Etsy and what a BNS Treasury is. I have also included a few of the most wonderful shops to visit on Etsy -- there is something for everyone. Why do so many people love TreasureHandCrafts BNS...what is so extraordinary about them? Find out here!

Etsy- What is it all about?

We invite you to come join the most friendly handmade crafts website online and in doing so you not only support small businesses but also are able to collect high quality handmade items at a fraction of retail prices! Etsy offers shops with a wide variety of handmade items including jewelry, crochet, needlework, bath and body and psychic services.

Etsy offers small businesses an easy and affordable way of setting up a shop and selling their products online. One of Etsy's most versatile ways of advertising your shop to others is in a Treasury which is simply a giant collage like collection of sixteen shops featuring their items A specific type of treasury commonly used on Etsy is what we call a BNS --- short for buy in and stay. The shops featured in the BNS treasury often offer discount coupon codes for items in their shop and this is a great way to be seen! Not only can other people see your treasury through an Etsy search but all sixteen of those shops are also telling all of their friends through email Facebook, twittering, pinterest and any other social networks they may use to come check out this treasury and in turn their friends are also helping them by promoting it.

TreasureHandCrafts BNS

Who They Are

TreasureHandCrafts BNS 
Treasurehandcrafts BNS is by far one of the most fun and quickest BNS it has been my pleasure to be a part of. Everyone is very welcoming and all about having a ton of fun while promoting all of our shops. Our curators are very devoted to TreasureHandCrafts and they spend a lot of time ensuring we all enjoy ourselves while promoting our shops and receiving sales! Everyone involved with Treasurehandcrafts has their own special discounts for our buyers as well as special BNS features for new people joining us and the atmosphere is one where you feel you have known everyone forever. You will be laughing all the way through it and sad because it is over way too soon! We invite you to our most recent round of TreasureHandCrafts by clicking on the picture above!

Introducing Treasure Kelley...

Meet Our First Curator of TreasureHandCrafts!

Kelley's Shop -- Treasure2Remember 
The curators of these events are wonderful leaders in the Etsy community. It has been my pleasure getting to know both of these talented women and they have donated a lot of thru time and devotion to making this such a wonderful event we all look forward to several times a week.
Kelly's shop Treasure2remember has some absolutley gorgeous jewelry items. She loves jewelry design and beads of all kind and her shop constantly offers new and innovating products. Kelly is a wonderful and bubbly woman and I throughly enjoy her company several days a week. Her all encompassing passion for her business as well as helping others will keep you coming back as will her eccentric sense of humor.

Introducing Missy Melissa...

Meet Our Second Curator of TreasureHandCrafts!

Melissa's Miss Missa Handcrafts 
The second curator of Treasurehandcrafts is Melissa of MissMissaHandcrafts. Melissa has a great variety of items in her shop ranging from checkbook covers, coin pouches, flowers, handbags and several other categories of great items! Melissa is a very fun and motivating curator and will keep things hopping and fun for everyone involved.


Introducing Angelz Messages...

Meet Shop #1

Angelz Messages Shop 
My shop, Angelz Messages, is almost always featured in Treasurehandcrafts and offers a variety of channeled psychic Angel readings along with the Goddesses, Ascended Masters, Fairies, Mermaids, Dolphins, Archangels, Saints and Unicorns. In addition to readings I also provide Reiki Services including sessions and candles as well as other general psychic services. I have been doing channeled psychic readings for 2+ years  now and find the deepest appreciation in life when I am able to assist others through the Angels!

Introducing Godiva Jewels...

Meet Shop #2

Godiva's Jewels 
A few of my other favorite featured shops in the Treasurehandcrafts BNS are:
Godiva Jewels run by Tina is another absolute favorite shop of mine! Her inventory consists of jewelry making supplies and my favorite section is her gemstone and crystal supplies. She offers authentic gemstone jewelry pre-made or in supply form for you to make your own jewelry and her prices are out of this world! Tina is such a pleasure to work with as well, very pleasant and easy to talk to. I highly recommend her!

Introducing Teaman...

Meet Shop #3

Teaman's Delicious Handmade Teas 
Tim the Teaman - Before trying Tim's hand blended tea I had tried for years to find teas that I liked. The store bought and even the organic teas never appealed to me and I didn't care for their taste at all. From the first tea I had from Tim I have been hooked! I drink a minimum of two cups of tea per day and sometimes as much as six cups! These teas have ten times the flavor of any other tea I have tried and believe me I have tried just about everything out there! He has a great selection and variety of teas to choose from as well as some great sampler sets and his prices ate very reasonable. As Tim likes to say, "if you get the chance I'd like to invite you to taste the difference!"...this tea will change your life!