Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Message of the Day:

"There are many who have gone through soul mate relationships and are wondering, 'if i cannot make it work with a soul mate then is there hope?' Yes! There is hope because something even brighter and more special is coming your way. Something so wonderful that it will even surpass your imagination, dreams and visions! We ask you now, open your heart, allow the healing to take place and invite love back into your life. You will not be disappointed. At this point and time more and more twin-flame sets will be reuniting and these relationships and the work you will do together is so very precious and needed. Set the intention to heal your life and your spirit will take care of the rest."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Angels ask you to transmute all negativity and fears using the fire. This process includes envisioning yourself in a cleansing burning fire as the flames burn away all of your fears and transmute them into purified re-directive thoughts. As the flames die out feel yourself purified and cleansed. Put up your white light and surround yourself in the pink light of love and protection. The full moon has passed and it is time to start anew in a new cycle, a new you.

On a different note I am proud to let everyone know that you all raised $55.42 towards helping our beloved Soldiers who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe and secure. The money went towards shipping a flat rate priority box to a soldier by the name of Johnny who was in need of extra food as they only feed them two hot meals a day as well as some fun water balloons and water guns, puzzle books, magazines, and so much more! On behalf of our friend Johnny, as well as myself, thank you for all of your orders as well as your support of our special friends overseas. 

~Love and Light~

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today is July 11th and in numerology this is 7-1-1 . Look at that angel number!

Angel number 711 is a powerful spiritual message from the angelic and spiritual realms. Be sure to pay attention to your thoughts and ideas as they are manifesting very rapidly but also know that you are on the right path and you are being congratulated for your thoughts are positive and you are making great decisions and choices. Be sure you are living in gratitude to speed up your manifest ions and say thank you for each and every blessing that comes to you. 

In numerology our number for the day is 9 and this number is all about beginnings and endings. We are getting ready to end the week tomorrow but I feel like a lot of us are either starting new and creative projects or we are coming to the end of cycles. There are a lot of changes in the air right now. Try to stay centered in your flow and concentrate on what you want to come into your life instead of dwelling on the changes and fears that are cropping up. Even the amount of money raised for charity this month reflects this...look at that...555!

For the month of June we raised $55.54 in charity which was donated to a soldier affiliated with Soldiers Angels in need of supplies. We were able to send him magazines, newspapers, books, lots of food and some personal hygiene things he was in need of. Soldiers now only get two hot meals a day and they have to either buy or have sent food for another meal or go without so they are always so very appreciative of this! Thank you for all of your loyal support in buying from my shop and also in supporting our Soldiers. Let's see if we can beat this record for the month of July!

I am getting more and more listings up on my personal website. Please check it out and let me know if you see anything which needs to be corrected or isn't working! Thanks!